
Upcoming Slipper Camps in 2019

Instagram-Upcoming Slipper Camps 2019

Slipper Camp – FREEDOM


Dear Writers,

Every January I start the year with a Slipper Camp topic that’s especially meaningful to me.

FREEDOM 2019 will be my next online writing Slipper Camp (Starts January 8th, ends 20 days later.)

FREEDOM. If you click on the photo below you’ll see what inspired me to create this particular Slipper Camp.

FREEDOM. We’ll be writing at a heightened time, a critical time in our lives and the life of this country and the world. We’ll be writing about freedoms we celebrate; freedoms denied to us or to others; our personal journeys from slavery to freedom or vice versa; times we’ve longed for freedom for ourselves and others; times we’ve fought for freedom and won or lost.

FREEDOM. There’s so much to write about. Especially now.

Slipper Camp will be the same format as always – 10 writers will receive 3 illustrated prompts about FREEDOM every OTHER morning for 20 days along with daily writing tips and coaching suggestions.

You’ll be writing 1,000 words (2 pages) on 1 of the 3 daily prompts and sending them to me by midnight every OTHER day. Whenever I get your words I’ll read them. At the end of Slipper Camp we’ll set a one-hour call to talk about your writings.

Hundreds of writers have taken this structured online writing course over the past 9 years. They say the combination of structure and accountability has yielded some of their best writing. Books, screenplays, a play, two novels, memoirs and numerous published articles have been generated in Slipper Camps.

Please join us. I’d love to read your words.

Limited to 10 writers. PS. Slipper Camp fills up in a heartbeat so please jump in if this speaks to you. THANK YOU!

2 thoughts on “Upcoming Slipper Camps in 2019”

  1. I am away with Betsy until the 30th…I would love for you, if you want to meet Hole Edelman who wrote motherless daughters and more… I know you will have some interesting things to share… Wishing you both, or all of you A healthy year..enjoy the holiday. We We’ll catch up after the 1st Xoxo. Joey

    Sent from my iPad



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